Thursday, February 23, 2012

Research (Sixth Post of Many)

Principal Dan Durbin of Beaufort High School admitted that he changed 200 grades for 33 students over the past two years. He stated that each case was handled individually. He changed the grades for students in order to give students the motivation to learn from mistakes and move on. Durbin states, "I hope the message I sent students was that you're not just a number," he said. "If you try hard and work hard, we'll work with you." Durbin believes that new principals only treat students as numbers while he chooses to treat students as individuals with human needs.
Regardless, Durbin's actions are against standard procedure, so he will resign from his position. His actions to bumping up students grades show that class ranks are necessary in the event of grade inflation so that colleges and other administrations are able to see how students perform relative to their peers.
In addition, Durbin's actions reveal the discontent that students are treated as merely numbers for school administration now.

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