Thursday, February 23, 2012

Research (Fourth Post of Many)

Miranda Taylor of Minnesota Daily reports that more and more high schools in America are eliminating class ranks. High schools understand the need to promote competition in classrooms but argue that class ranks do not provide "meaningful" competition. The top 50 students are often determined by minuscule differences in GPA, meaning nothing in the long run. Parents overlook students' accomplishments, just viewing them as the ranks assigned to them. Anya Cleaver, a high school student, voices the opinion of others when she states that test results are a better indicator of success than class ranks.
Colleges use class ranks as "one of the four primary factors the University considers when admitting freshmen". Without class rank information, college admission offices are forced to estimate student's rank, leading to less accurate admissions.
High schools have sought a third solution, where class ranks are omitted from student transcripts but can be published at the demand of the student.

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