Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monday Matters - I Own The Sources #3

Legalize Marijuana For Only Illnesses

In the fiery debate on the legalization of marijuana, the author takes the middle stance, differentiating between using marijuana to treat illnesses and using marijuana for casual recreation. The author states that marijuana should be legalized in Illinois purely for medical purposes.

Medical marijuana can be used to alleviate the side effects of anti-cancer drugs, soothe the pain of multiple sclerosis, and improve the appetite of AIDS patients.
Medical marijuana can be abused, but the effects are not as lethal as abuse of prescription painkillers, which are completely legal in Illinois.
81% of Americans are in affirmation of the use of medical marijuana.
The law passing through the Illinois House will have checks on the purchase of medical marijuana, such as a limit on the amount over a certain amount of time (similar to purchasing other prescription drugs) and a note of medical need from a doctor.

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