Sunday, October 16, 2011

Monday Matters - I Own The Sources #2

Legalizing Marijuana will not stop the drug cartels

Proponents of legalizing marijuana or of ending the war against drugs argue that legalizing marijuana will take the market out of the hands of cartels and into the hands of the government. The author argues against legalization of marijuana in order to hurt the drug cartels.

Although marijuana constitutes 60% of drug cartel profit, 40% is still being made from cocaine and other narcotics.
The drug cartels have new sources of income: kidnappings, oil theft, and pirated goods. They are also demanding payments from businesses that they have control over as well as a slice of the business profits.
The Mexican cartels can still have an influence over legalized distribution of marijuana.
Legalization is still the right thing to do. Legalization can save on resources such as jail space and law enforcement. Even though legalization will not stop the cartels, it is still a benefit to the United States.

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