Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Matters - Hola, Columnist! #3


New York Times columnist Tom Friedman offers his opinion on the upcoming election in Egypt. Between the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist Nour Party, Friedman questions whether the new democratic election will be a step forward or a step back for the Egyptian people. Friedman questions whether the uprising Muslim parties can bring the Egyptian economy up as they are more focused on instilling traditional Muslim traditions back into the country. In addition, Friedman wonders whether the Arab people will shy away from the Muslim factions in pursuit for more secular parties that actually want to restore the nation in the future. Friedman calls for secular parties to ban together in order to take over the elections and actually bring Egypt on the right track economically and politically.

1 comment:

  1. Jimmy:
    Thomas Friedman is a worthwhile columnist to explore, as he addresses a range of issues, both home and abroad. In analyzing his rhetoric, look at the ways he is able to make sweeping statements about large groups or trends. It's a fine study in logic and exemplification.

    Mr. Heller
